Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes

Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes - Season 8 Episode 9 - South Park

Aired at November 2, 2004 · Season 8 · Episode 9

A Wall-Mart opens in South Park and soon all residents become addicted to the hypermarket. All other shops have to close because of this and the residents decide to boycott the Wall-Mart. However, this boycott fails and soon it is as busy as before. Stan, Kyle and Kenny want to stop the Wall-Mart, but they are opposed by Cartman. The South Parkers burn down the Wall-Mart, but it is being rebuilt, on orders from Bentonville, the boys hear.

Clips from episode "Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes"

Below you will find 11 short, funny fragments of this episode that were published by South Park Studios.

Notable characters in episode "Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes"